Saturday 12 January 2013

My First purchase of 2013

Today I bought my first two violets of 2013 so my collection is just getting started. I went shopping close to my home and I decided to stop by the flower shop. I was hoping to find some violets and surprisingly I did. Unfortunately they don't have the name of their varieties on the label. Here they are!

Thursday 10 January 2013

My first books about African violets

Some days after Christmas I ordered my two first books about African Violets. Today they arrived! Here they are:

Friday 4 January 2013

Me and my violets

In summer I bought two mini African violets. Recently, at a better look I noticed that each pot has four tiny crowns. So I decided to split them and plant them separately, to give them the chance to a better growing. This will be my first operation of such kind. I had African violets before, but they were mature, and they never had babies. The second premier is that I will try the wick-watering method. I'm sure this will be a lot of help for me. So here I am, at the beginning of an interesting and my mini violets!